Our Vision

Thanks for exploring our vision at EBC. Here, you'll discover what drives us as a church. We hope it inspires you to be part of the journey!

At the heart of everything we do lies our mission statement:

We believe that true hope is found in Jesus. Our purpose is to create a brighter future for all, helping everyone discover the incredible transformation which He brings.

In short, our tagline says it all:

Hope For Emsworth.

To make this vision a reality, we live by six core values that guide the decisions and actions we take:

Worship, Family, Discipleship, Outreach, Community, and Next Generation.

You can discover more about each one below.


We’re convinced that once someone catches a glimpse of who God truly is, they can’t help but respond in awe and wonder. God deserves all glory because He has created all things. From the vast expanse of the universe to the everyday beauty we enjoy each moment, God’s creative hand is behind it all. His love and grace for us is boundless, even in the midst of our imperfections and failings. For that, we are so grateful. 

That’s why so much of our time is centred around worship. We believe we are made to pray and praise - not only at church but all the time. Being a worshipper is a personal daily journey, inspired by our walk with Jesus and guided by the Holy Spirit. This gives us the opportunity to glorify God in everything we do, and that is how we look to turn our ordinary into something extraordinary.

Darlene Zschech: "Worship is the most important thing we do, and it involves giving God the best of our time, talents, and hearts."


Life is so much better when we’re in it together. From the very moment someone steps into our church or connects with us in any way, we want them to feel comfortable, loved and at home. We’re passionate about creating a sense of family where everyone belongs, knows they are valued, and is cared for practically and spiritually.

Diversity within our family is also so important to us. We strive for various cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds and ages to be represented, celebrated and enabled within our church because we are all united as one in Jesus. We love how the Christian faith is inclusive of every person, reaching across the ends of the earth and spanning over all generations.

To sum it all up, no matter where someone is coming from or where they are in their journey of faith, they’re family here and we’re thrilled to have them with us.

Nicky Gumbel: “Church is a family where you belong and a home where you are loved.”


Being a Christian involves so much more than simply coming along on a Sunday - that’s just the start! Following Jesus is a captivating way of life that involves our whole heart, mind and soul.

For that reason, whether it’s through biblical preaching, Life Groups, prayer gatherings or other opportunities that come throughout the week, we’re committed to help everyone grow as disciples of Jesus. Prayer is essential to this, allowing all to draw near to God as He speaks to us.

We long to inspire and lead many into brighter futures, encouraging all to pray regularly, study the Bible thoroughly, and embrace the leading of the Holy Spirit in every aspect of life. This is a transformational journey that lasts for a lifetime, so we’re here to encourage everyone to find their next step and help them reach it as they strive to follow Jesus and become more like Him.

Jen Wilkin: "Discipleship is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about a heart and life transformed by the love of Christ."


Around 2000 years ago, Jesus commanded His followers to go and make disciples of all nations of the world, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything He taught while He was on earth. 

Fast forward to today and we are convinced that our purpose as Christians remains exactly the same. We wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of God and in His desire to offer forgiveness and eternal life to all who call on Him. For that reason, we see outreach as an essential part of our existence.

Whether it’s with friends, family, neighbours, those in the wider community or beyond, we are passionate about enabling everyone to share the Christian message with confidence and clarity. All people, from all walks of life, need to know about the amazing love and grace that God has made available to them.

Priscilla Shirer: "Outreach is the bridge that connects the Church to the world, bringing hope, healing, and transformation."


For far too long, the Church has been known for what it is against. We’re here to change that and to show our town how much we are #ForEmsworth and the surrounding areas. Our local community is not just a place where we are located. We believe that Jesus has called us to reflect His loving and servant-hearted nature through our actions. 

Whether it’s through financial donations, partnerships with local causes, social action, or any other way we can get alongside those who are in need, we’re committed to be a people of kindness, generosity and care.

We’re also passionate about being closely connected to the pulse of our community, constantly listening to its hopes, fears and dreams. We’ll always aim to make a positive and meaningful impact in the lives of those who call this fantastic place their home, simply because we are #ForEmsworth and its people.

Max Lucado: "God gives us the opportunity to love people in our community every day.”

Next Generation

Our dream is to inspire children and young people to live now and always as passionate followers of Jesus. We firmly believe that the future of our church, community and world hinges on our devotion to the next generation, and it is our joy to come alongside them.

We’re here to help every young person under our care discover the abilities that God has given to them. More than that, we’re committed to provide regular opportunities for them to put these gifts into practice, expanding their incredible potential. In everything we do, we strive to equip the next generation with the support they need to thrive in their relationship with God and in their service for His Church.

We long to leave a positive legacy, ensuring that the hope and love of Jesus will shine brightly in our world far beyond our time, and in greater ways than ever before.

Andy Stanley: “What is the faith of the next generation worth? Absolutely everything.”