Ninety: Wonders & Water-Walking

Message Overview


  • Jesus heals two blind men and casts a demon out of a mute man (Matthew 9:27-34)

  • Jesus is rejected at Nazareth once again (Matthew 13:54-58 & Mark 6:1-6)

  • Jesus sends His twelve disciples to preach the Gospel, heal diseases and drive out demons (Matthew 9:35-10:42, Mark 6:6-13 & Luke 9:1-6)

  • John the Baptist is beheaded by King Herod (Matthew 14:1-12, Mark 6:14-29 & Luke 9:7-9)

  • After trying to withdraw to a solitary place, Jesus has compassion on the crowds and feeds them all using five loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17 & John 6:1-13)

  • Jesus sends His disciples ahead of Him to sail while He goes up on a mountainside to pray (Matthew 14:22-23, Mark 6:45-46 & John 6:14-15)

  • Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:24-33, Mark 6:47-52 & John 6:16-21)

  • Jesus teaches that He is the Bread of Life, but many abandon Him (John 6:22-71)

  • Jesus confronts the Pharisees over their traditions (Matthew 15:1-20 & Mark 7:1-23)

  • Jesus heals the daughter of a Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21-28 & Mark 7:24-30) - Jesus heals many and miraculously feeds the crowd - 4,000 men, besides women and children (Matthew 15:29-39 & Mark 7:31-8:9)

  • Jesus rebukes the Pharisees who demand a sign from Him (Matthew 16:1-4 & Mark 8:10-12)

  • Jesus warns His disciples of the “yeast” of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matthew 16:5-12 & Mark 8:13-21)

  • Upon reaching Bethsaida, Jesus heals a blind man (Mark 8:22-26)


Ninety: Healing Faith


Ninety: I Will Build My Church